Capable Girl went out with grandparents for a birthday morning breakfast at IHOP. She got everything sweet her little heart desired, evidenced by her comment when she got home, "The only healthy thing I had for breakfast was two pieces of bacon!"
Hunter Boy... I hope I never forget this image... him flying down our little grass hill on his bike, proudly sporting his camo shorts, cowboy boots and ski goggles.
Surprise Girl running to me in her too-short dress bringing me most precious weed flowers.
Sunshine Boy's conversation with me by the camp fire: "Mama, am I cool?" Me - "Yes, YOU are cool, how did you know?" Sunshine - "God told me, cuz I forgot."
Hurricane Baby learned to say "Bye."
I read chapter four of Ann Voskamp's book yesterday. A Sanctuary of Time. I don't think there is a single person who doesn't feel press and heat of the rush, who doesn't feel the need for more time. Ann shares her insights into how thanksgiving helps us focus on the present, where I AM inhabits the praises of his people, in thanksgiving. She shares how in our thanksgiving God can multiply our lack into abundance. She gives the example of Jesus and the account of the loaves and fishes and sheds a fresh ray of light on it, " Jesus embraces His not enough... he gives thanks... and there is more than enough."
Not enough, enough, more than enough. In the Passover Seder Dinner, there is a segment called Dayenu. Its meaning in Hebrew, "It would have been enough." In the traditional Seder Meal it goes like this:
If He had only brought us out of Egypt. DAYENU... It would have been enough.
If He had only executed justice upon the Egyptians. DAYENU
If He had only executed justice upon their gods. DAYENU
If He had only slain their first born. DAYENU
If He had only given to us their health and wealth. DAYENU
If He had split the sea for us. DAYENU
If He had led us through on dry land. DAYENU
There are eight more verses taking the reader through the history of the escape, the giving of the law and the establishment of the nation of Israel. Our good friends, in their Seder meal, continue the tradition every year, extending the Dayenu song to the history of redemption, and beyond that to their own history of God's workings on their behalf.
If He only gave me time to read His Word. DAYENU
If He only gave me time to give my husband a loving touch. DAYENU
If He only gave me time for a meal with my family. DAYENU
If He only gave me time to see one child reach 8 years old. DAYENU
If He only gave me time for one conversation with one child. DAYENU
If He only gave me time to savor one baby's accomplishment. DAYENU
If He only gave me time to soak in the dancing flames of a campfire. DAYENU
If He only gave me time to forge these thoughts into words. DAYENU
If He only gave me time for His Beloved to sleep. DAYENU
It would have been enough. Thank you Father.

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